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Compost Collect partners spill the dirt on compostable packaging



Ecoware’s Compost Collect programme is now available in 7 of Aotearoa’s main cities — a programme which provides a full circle commercial composting solution for Ecoware customers. 

Prima Coffee, one of Christchurch’s largest coffee roasters, spills the dirt on how Ecoware's new programme 'Compost Collect' has changed the way they manage waste for the better. Watch to see how Ecoware bins are filled on site, collected and taken for composting. 

Canterbury Landscape Supplies (CLS) then give us an inside look at their state of the art composting facility and how packaging is turned into rich compost for farms, businesses and the community.  

With 13 facilities and 10 collection partners, we have effective, reliable and ecological ways of recovering food scraps and packaging for composting. Learn more about Compost Collect here or get in touch to see how Ecoware can support your business on a more sustainable waste journey